Right now I think a lot about:
- Sustaining a healthy team
- Social justice, in context of our society and the workplace
- The principle that everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler
- Web accessibility
- React
- Working across 7 different time zones
I lead a team of 9 web front-end developers around the globe. Every single member of the team is underrepresented in the software industry 😍.
- Using the HTML Data List Element for Simple Combo Boxes
- Being an Ally Means Getting It Wrong Sometimes
- React.useReducer Reducer Patterns, Part 1
- React.useReducer Reducer Patterns, Part 2
- React.useReducer Reducer Patterns, Part 3
- Formatting Dates in JavaScript
- Remove Properties From JavaScript Objects
Open Source Projects
- react-listitem-grid
Utilities and components for responsive grid layout of list items.
- python-epo-ops-client
Python API client for accessing European Patent Office’s (EPO) Open Patent Services (OPS).
- ansible-common
Ansible roles and playbooks for setting up an Ubuntu LTS server from scratch, and deploying web apps using Docker.
- my-first-blog
Docker-based development environment for Django Girls tutorial.
- dotfiles
Curious how I set up my macOS for development and productivity?