George Song

React.useReducer Reducer Patterns, Part 3

August 2, 2020

So far in parts 1 and 2 of this series, we’ve learned that:

  • the primary job of a reducer is to produce a new state
  • dispatched actions can take any shape you want

In part 3, we’ll be looking at the most common pattern of reducers and actions that you’ll come across in documentation and online examples, and model a state chart using a reducer.

Table of Contents

Typical useReducer Pattern

Most React.useReducer examples you encounter dispatch actions that look something like { type, payload }, with reducer functions that consists of a switch statement that matches on type and uses the payload to calculate the next state.

Remember the reducer signature is (currentState, action) => nextState. A switch statement based reducer looks like:

const reducer = (count, { type, payload }) => {
  switch (type) {
    case "add":
      return count + payload;
    case "reset":
      return initialValue;
      throw new Error();

To trigger this reducer, there are two possible actions we can dispatch.

dispatch({ type: "add", payload: 5 });
dispatch({ type: "reset" });

We can encapsulate these two possibilities with bound action creators:

const add = (payload) => dispatch({ type: "add", payload });
const reset = () => dispatch({ type: "reset" });

Action creators are optional—instead, you can just dispatch actions directly where needed. They do offer a much nicer interface for the hook user by hiding the reducer’s implementation details.

The complete useReducer definition looks like:

const initialValue = 0;
const reducer = (count, { type, payload }) => {
  switch (type) {
    case "add":
      return count + payload;
    case "reset":
      return initialValue;
      throw new Error();

const [count, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialValue);

const add = (payload) => dispatch({ type: "add", payload });
const reset = () => dispatch({ type: "reset" });

Our hook interface is now count, plus the add() and reset() functions.

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Tightly Coupled State Values

Great, so far we’ve explored quite a few reducer and action patterns, but we haven’t talked about why we use useReducer. In fact, you can express the previous example more clearly as a useState hook:

const initialValue = 0;
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(initialValue);
const add = (value) => setCount(count + value);
const reset = () => setCount(initialValue);

👩‍💻 Try It Out

The reason is because useState optimizes the use case of managing a single state value. This implies that useReducer’s sweet spot is when we have more than a single state value that we need to keep track of.

What if we want to add an undo function, so we can get back the previous counts? One way is to keep track of the count history. Instead of just keeping track of the latest count, our state now looks like:

const initialState = { count: 0, history: [] };

We update the reducer with the following changes:

  • Return the current state as-is if we add zero, since this action doesn’t change the state.
  • If we’re adding any other value, also add the current count to the history stack.
  • Add a new case to handle the undo action.
const reducer = (state, { type, payload }) => {
  const { count, history } = state;
  switch (type) {
    case "add":
      if (payload === 0) return state;      return { count: count + payload, history: [...history, count] };    case "reset":
      return initialState;
    case "undo":      if (history.length === 0) return state;      const lastCount = [...history].pop();      return { count: lastCount, history: history.slice(0, -1) };    default:
      throw new Error();

Lastly we add another bounded action creator to handle undo():

const undo = () => dispatch({ type: "undo" });

Putting it all together:

const initialState = { count: 0, history: [] };

const reducer = (state, { type, payload }) => {
  const { count, history } = state;
  switch (type) {
    case "add":
      if (payload === 0) return state;
      return { count: count + payload, history: [...history, count] };
    case "reset":
      return initialState;
    case "undo":
      if (history.length === 0) return state;
      const lastCount = [...history].pop();
      return { count: lastCount, history: history.slice(0, -1) };
      throw new Error();

const [{ count, history }, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState);

const add = (payload) => dispatch({ type: "add", payload });
const reset = () => dispatch({ type: "reset" });
const undo = () => dispatch({ type: "undo" });

We see that count and history are tightly coupled. When we add a value, we update count and add the previous count to the history stack. When we undo, we replace count by popping the last item from the history stack.

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Nested Switch Statements

Did you know you can nest a switch statement inside the case clause of another switch statement? Using this technique, you can perform very sophisticated actions with the useReducer hook, especially when coupled with useEffect.

Let’s make a seemingly simple form with a single input and couple buttons:

  • The input will only accept [A-Za-z] characters
  • Submit button to POST the input value to an API
  • Reset button to reset the input value to the last successful submission

Easy peasy, right? That’s how forms always start out, except when you start considering:

  • If input is invalid, display error message and don’t allow submission.
  • Don’t allow submission if input value hasn’t changed from the previous submission.
  • During submission, disable all inputs.
  • Display submission status.
  • When submission error occurs, the submit button remains active to allow for retry.

How would you satisfy all these requirements? Try to capture all the logic imperatively? Use one of the many React form libraries? I happen to think state charts are a great way to declaratively satisfy all the requirements.

State chart describing form states and transitions

Our state chart has four states—editing, submitting, resolved, rejected—with clear transitions defined among the states, e.g. we transition from editing to submitting state by performing the submit action.

Initial Hook State

First let’s establish what our useReducer hook state looks like. Note that the hook state is different than the state of a state chart. Our hook state looks like:

const initialState = {
  value: "editing",

  context: {
    previousValue: "",
    value: "",
    isValid: true,
    submitAllowed: false,
    isSuccessful: undefined,

The value entry holds our state chart state. We also have a separate context entry that keeps track of the extended state.

Translate a State Chart to a Reducer Function

const reducer = (state, { type, payload } = {}) => {
  const { value, context } = state;
  switch (value) {    case "editing":      switch (type) {        case "change":
          const isValid = /^[A-Za-z]*$/.test(payload);
          const submitAllowed = isValid && context.previousValue !== payload;
          return {
            context: { ...context, value: payload, isValid, submitAllowed },

        case "reset":
          return {
            context: {
              value: context.previousValue,
              isValid: true,
              submitAllowed: false,

        case "submit":          if (context.submitAllowed) return { value: "submitting", context };          return state;
          return state;

    case "submitting":
      switch (type) {
        case "resolve":
          return { value: "resolved", context };
        case "reject":
          return { value: "rejected", context };
          return state;

    case "resolved":
      return {
        value: "editing",
        context: {
          previousValue: context.value,
          isSuccessful: true,
          submitAllowed: false,

    case "rejected":
      return {
        value: "editing",
        context: {
          isSuccessful: false,

      return state;

Notice the top level switch is based on the state.value (state chart state) expression. For editing and submitting states, we further switch on action.type (state chart transition). Why do we do this? This guarantees that, for example, the submit transition is only valid if our state chart is in the editing state. Practically, this means that if the form is in the submitting state, it can’t be submitted again no matter how hard we try (we’ve just solved the multiple button click issue, even if we forget to disable the submit button).

If you compare the code to the diagram, you’ll see that each case clause corresponds to a transition—seven transitions, seven case clauses that return the next state.

Notice the default clauses always return the original state as-is. This is generally how state machines work—if you try to specify an illegal transition, the state remains as-is.

Looking at each case clause, you’ll notice that we’re performing couple tasks:

  1. Specify the next state by changing state.value.
  2. Changing state.context as appropriate for a given transition.

Putting It All Together

const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState);
const transitions = {
  change: (payload) => dispatch({ type: "change", payload }),
  reset: () => dispatch({ type: "reset" }),
  submit: () => dispatch({ type: "submit" }),

To start transitions, we use the dispatch() function from the useReducer hook. Transitions can be manually triggered (user clicking a button) via event handlers, or automatically triggered (when state changes) via useEffect.

Complex state charts topics are beyond the scope of this article. What we’re demonstrating here is that you can in fact model fairly complex systems (if somewhat awkwardly) using reducers.

👩‍💻 Try It Out

If you’re curious about state charts, I highly recommend checking out XState.


  • Use React.useReducer when you need to keep track of multiple tightly-coupled state values.
  • Reducers are capable of modeling complex systems.
  • Consider making your useReducer hook more user friendly with action creators.

As we’ve seen in this series of articles, useReducer is a hook pattern capable of solving a wide variety of simple to moderately complicated problems. Now that the scariest part of the pattern—reducers—is less scary, I hope you’ll reach for it more frequently, with creativity.